FabShop Hop™ Leaderboard, Banner & Sidebar Ads
$ 125.00
Leaderboard, Banner & Sidebar Ads on fabshophop.com
A leaderboard, banner, and/or sidebar ad can add more exposure and sales for your website!
Here's How It Works:
- We place your leaderboard, banner, and/or sidebar ad on https://fabshophop.com. Each ad rotates with each page click.
- During a FabShop Hop, there are millions of page views and the number of page views continues to grow with each FabShop Hop.
- You must be a member of the FabShop Retailers’ Trade Association in order to participate.
- To add your leaderboard, banner, and/or sidebar ad, sign up here. Then send your ad attached to an email to: shophop@fabshopnet.com
New! Leaderboard Ad
size: 728 x 90 pixel
File size: 50K
File format: jpg or gif
$400 Leaderboard Ad 1-month
$725 Leaderboard Ad 3-month package
New! Banner Ad
size: 468 x 90 pixel
File size: 30K
File format: jpg or gif
$250 Banner Ad 1-month
$500 Banner Ad 3-month package
Banner Ad
size: 468 x 60 pixel
File size: 30K
File format: jpg or gif
$150 Banner Ad 1-month
$275 Banner Ad 3-month package
Sidebar Ad
size: 200 x 200 pixel
File size: 30K
File format: jpg or gif
$125 Sidebar Ad 1-month
$225 Sidebar Ad 3-month package