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FabShop's Year-End Online BlowOut Sale, December 22-31, 2025

BlowOut Sale Registration - DECEMBER 2025

$ 50.00


December 22-31, 2025

Take part in an Online Blowout Sales to move your slow-moving inventory. Clear out inventory on your website. Be as aggressive or as conservative with markdowns as you would like.

Here's How it Works:

  • We'll promote your sale to thousands of consumers who participate in the FabShop Hop and through numerous online consumer mailing lists.
  • We'll provide you with a front page "Inventory BlowOut Sale" graphic to identify and merchandise your website as a participant in the sale.
  • All participating shop websites and their marketing specials are listed on

This is a proven, effective way to get rid of inventory to consumers who are looking for specials on the fabrics, books, and patterns that you need to move!


    You must be a member of the FabShop Retailers' Organization in order to participate. Membership is currently open to qualified independent retailers and design studios. Join Today!

      Mail or fax a copy of your business license and tax certificate plus a pre-printed voided company check.

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