Free Publicity – It's Easier Than You Think! CD
The Revised Second Edition. If the thought of picking up the phone or sitting down at the computer to generate media attention for your shop is a daunting one, this is the workbook for you! Learn how to think like a publicity hound and get your name in the news with an easy, step-by-step approach that works.
Free Publicity is Easier Than You Think is a must-read for any shop owner who wants to improve their shop's image and the bottom line. It includes worksheets, publicity samples, and step-by-step guidance for:
- Understanding what makes news
- Preparing and sending the news release
- Developing your media source list
- Writing attention-getting cover letters
- Establishing yourself as an expert
- Getting second-wave publicity
- Improving your writing ability
- Making time to publicize
- Generating story ideas, with dozens of industry-specific examples
When it comes to your bottom line, you can't afford not to spend time garnering as much free publicity as you can get. Following the tips and suggestions in this workbook can make a difference!